Medical-Digital Technology Bill of Rights

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom


Our nation’s founding fathers wrote The Declaration of Independence declaring that all People have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Over the past several years, criminal, immoral, destructive forces have imposed their medical and electronic technological tyranny upon the People – trampling upon of our founding principles and essential, individual Sovereignty, Rights and Freedoms. We have tragically experienced Death, Tyranny and the Burden of Socialist/Communist oppression aggressively forced upon the People by these anti-American forces from within and outside this country.

The latest assault on individual Rights and Freedoms will be this monstrous CBDC, which is in truth “Communist Bank Digital Control”, whereby all of Sovereign Citizen’s money and activities will be scrutinized by a digital-web-of-control under a massive, tyrannical, centralized government.

High-tech computer technology in the form of “artificial intelligence” or AI will be used to further dumb down the People and to push the insane, anti-human agenda of these massive high-tech corporations, in collusion with centralized big-government agencies, in their mutual-quest for totalitarian control.

This high-tech computerized totalitarian control agenda is planned to be instituted through a Marxist, centralized “social credit score” system, which has already been implemented in communist China. This monstrous “social credit score” system will give totalitarian government the ultimate tool for absolute control of everyone’s lives, with an absolute hammering of our precious Sovereignty, Freedom and Liberty.

We the People must not allow these digital-control-monstrosities out of their cage!

Our so-called “elected representatives” in congress have abdicated their responsibility to the People and have passed on control of legislation that affects our lives to a massive, UN-elected, administrative-state-bureaucracy that works against the People’s best interests. This travesty must end and our representatives must again work FOR the People and not for some hidden special interest.

In order to stop the assault on the Citizen’s Freedom, Liberty, and physical and mental health by Big-pharma, Big-tech and Big-medicine in collusion with Big-government, we must have a Medical-Digital Technology Bill of Rights that specifically shields the Citizens from this tyranny. These overly-powerful Medical-Digital Technology entities must be held accountable by the People’s representatives to work in the People’s best interests and for their Sovereignty, and not inflict egregious harm upon them.

Out-of-control government must be further chained down by our Constitution in order to stop their continued tyranny against Sovereign Citizens of this nation.

1) We must have Freedom from control by any and all technologies used in electronics, medicine and by other means that can be used as a method of centralized control and used to manipulate independent, Sovereign Citizens – which leads to tyranny and loss of physical and mental health, Freedom and Liberty.

2) All technologies must work for the betterment of the human condition and not act as an impediment and must not degrade health, Freedom and Liberty.

3) Any and all technologies that work to control people against their own best interests and personal Sovereignty must be rejected. And those purveyors of such radical, tyrannical technologies must be investigated and held accountable for trampling on our health, Freedom and Liberty and for their egregious crimes against humanity.

Medical and electronic technological tyranny must be stopped and those perpetrators of such egregious activities must be held responsible to pay for their crimes against Sovereign American Citizens!