Marxism, Globalism, Totalitarianism & The People’s Republic of Communism

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom

Marxism/Communism has slowly and silently gained control of this country and degraded many of our institutions through infiltration and subversion.

Leftists have pushed a destructive Marxist disinformation campaign that has steadily eroded this country culturally, economically, politically, socially and has severely degraded the moral fabric of this nation over a number of years.

The pathway to self-serving government tyranny is paved with ignorant, deceptive Marxist-socialist intentions, with the building of a massive welfare-state-bureaucracy that’s held completely UN-accountable to the People.

With all the social and economic chaos that’s been fomented by forces inside and outside this country we’re seeing this Marxist/Communist movement pushing to completely overthrow the existing order and institute their so-called “progressive”, “social justice” agenda. These crazed Marxists must destroy capitalism and independent business in order to institute their “build back better” (BBB) agenda, which is truthfully Build Back Communist (BBC), in which all People will have equal shares of poverty and misery.

Back in 2008 criminal-Marxist Barry Hussein Obozo spoke of, “Fundamentally transforming this nation”. The Marxist-agenda is to stifle all political opposition and to ram insane Marxist-propaganda down the throats of all normal citizens until they cannot discern the difference between right and wrong and good from evil.

The Marxist/Communist movement creates a crisis, such as a financial system break-down, massive illegal border invasion, a mass-shooting or some bogus environmental catastrophe in order to agitate the People. This destabilized atmosphere is then used as pretense to get around our essential Constitutional protections. This criminal-Communist movement uses outright lies and deception to steer us toward big-government tyranny, dependence and misery.

Marxist/Communist Collectivism Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility

A communist-style-welfare-state has been created and a massive, unaccountable, irresponsible, self-serving, administrative-state-bureaucracy has been establish to over-see virtually every facet of our lives, using heavy regulation as a mechanism of control. In addition, the heavy burden of this wasteful government insanity is funded on the backs of normal hardworking citizens through heavy taxation. Our constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech has been severely curtailed and heavily censored, and thought is highly controlled by a system of politically correct (PC) “police”.

These Marxist-indoctrinated tools that have infested government are driven to water-down our laws, especially our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms, in favor of their deviant interpretations that are used against the normal Citizen in order to drive their evil, tyrannical agenda. Normal, law-bidding Citizens are taxed and regulated to death, while serious crimes go unpunished, as these criminals in our society are largely left alone to ply their immoral, treacherous trade.

Big-government-socialists have burdened the People with massive debt that is unsustainable and is resulting in massive inflation of our fiat currency that’s a hidden tax on everything that we purchase. This economic-insanity has resulted in boom and bust cycles that works in favor of a big-government/big-business crony capitalist network, but works against the normal Citizen and small businesses. This massive debt-burden is a large part of the Marxist-agenda to break this country down economically and foster big-government dependency.

Big-government-socialists lie when they tell the People to give up their individuality for the greater collectivist good, when in reality the People have given up their individual rights and freedoms to a small group of elitist-tyrants, who now control everything, to the detriment of the People who are only given equal shares of poverty and misery.

Big-government-socialists have opened up our borders to illegal invaders from every corner of the globe, in their effort to breakdown our traditional social order, fomenting chaos and discord among the people, and watering down and destroying the value of US Citizenship. These invaders are given aid and comfort that normal Citizens can only dream about, insidiously building a massive-welfare-state dependency in which everyone will eventually be completely at the mercy of big-government handouts.

Marxist-influenced, big-government uses so-called “experts” and so-called “intellectuals” as mouth-pieces to push their bogus “climate change” and “global warming” agenda. Their climate-change-boondoggle nonsense is in reality a sort of religion to them and is used as a tool in their insane drive to destroy Sovereign Citizen’s businesses and precious Freedom and Liberty.

This radical, globalist-Marxist agenda of economic and social destabilization is aimed at bringing down independent, sovereign Citizens and our sovereign nation in favor of a centralized authoritarian One-world-government. This centralized, totalitarian government will control virtually every facet of everyday life, using an iron fist and hammer to control the masses. As stated, equality of misery will be the result of this anti-American, Marxist-globalist-tyranny that is festering throughout the nation.

The propagandist-media is completely under the control of these globalist-Marxists and does a grave dis-service to the normal Citizen with their lies, misinformation and twisted propaganda that is aimed at furthering the breakdown of this nation.

Our Constitutional rights have been watered down and abused by a left-wing, communist ideology that’s intended to breakdown our system of morals, our dignity and our sense independence and freedom.

Many years of “liberalism” have paid dividends for the globalist-Marxists who now control many nations of the world and have infiltrated many institutions here in American. Over the years Marxist/Communist ideology has been taught in the schools. The children have been indoctrinated by these brain-washing centers into this left-wing lunacy – instead of learning the “3 R’s” – reading, writing and arithmetic.

There is a huge cost, socially and economically, to government activity and over-control. As we’ve so painfully seen lately, Marxist-infiltrated, socialist governments have a Freedom and Liberty Derangement Syndrome – they selfishly work NOT FOR the people, but rather, AGAINST the people and their best interests. There is a huge risk and associated cost to government dependency. Governments, being evil, use fear to control people, forcing them into conformity and to ruining their lives, as evidenced by this Covid over-reaction and the lock-down hysteria that has been generated. We’ve seen that totalitarian government never lets a “good disaster” go to waste and will use it to further their agenda of destroying the People’s Sovereignty, Freedom and Liberty.

Government cannot make you “equal” however it will make you dependent on their wasteful, Unaffordable programs

The Tyranny of the Minority, including radical Black-Liberation-Marxism (BLM) and Marxist-feminism, have grown many out-of-control, big-government-programs that have destroyed Freedom and Liberty for all Citizens. This big-government tyranny is the result of decades of brain-washing in the schools and the total breakdown of reason and Common Sense in our institutions. How much of the massive buildup of this big-government socialist-welfare-state is all about pushing this radical Marxist-feminist agenda that is aimed at destroying the family, and the fundamental stability and fabric of the nation.

This Marxist, affirmative-action-insanity that has been building for many years, has reinforced the breakdown of this nation over time. Now, we are witnessing the terrible-results of this UN-constitutional government activity. How many so-called “minorities” have been hired and promoted, NOT for the content of their character and qualifications, but for their gender and skin color. This racist/sexist insanity has been foisted on the American people by Marxist-globalists to create division and animosity, thereby furthering the breakdown of the nation.

This Tyranny of the Minority is all part of the Marxist-globalist, Chinese CCP plan to further divide and conquer this nation from within. Those who push this racist-clap-trap are, in effect, just useful-tools and useless-fools for this nefarious, globalist, master-plan for world domination.

The People have been dumbed-down by Marxist/Communist ideology and propaganda that’s designed to prevent them from absorbing knowledge, wisdom and traditions from our American history and culture.

Unfortunately, there are way too many who are completely ignorant of and have ZERO recall of what their fathers and grandfathers did to fight back totalitarian tyranny in WWII and have allowed this tyranny to fester within our own borders. In addition, with massive legal and illegal immigration into this country, many of these newcomers have little understanding of this nations founding principles, nor any regard for the sacrifices made by previous generations of American patriots through wars and myriad disasters.

Sovereign Citizens must not be misled by misinformation, lies and propaganda promising the pipe-dream of some sort of socialist utopia. Evil forces within and outside our borders only have one goal in mind – that is complete subservience to the misery of their Marxist/Communist agenda.

Unfortunately, leftist, Marxist-indoctrinated-fools never understand the detrimental, adverse effects of their propaganda until they get slammed right between their eyes by their own unworkable, insane policies.

It’s indeed high time to expose these purveyors of Marxist/Communist ideology that has been slowly breaking down this nation socially, economically, culturally and politically. These internal anti-American forces must be held responsible for the chaos and mayhem they have generated. We must reject all Marxist-tyranny with great vehemence, and get back on track with our founding principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.