
Many people in this country do not realize that the USA is already heavily influenced by the socialist/communist philosophy of Karl Marx. Marx’s destructive-message of subservience of the individual to group collectivism has led to the total decay of this nation politically, culturally, economically and has broken-down our basic institutions.

Socialism has become a generalized-term for centralized government/state control of the means of production, such as with factories and farming.

Communism is the next step from Socialism and is much more extreme – with the complete abolishment of private property, and establishment of a dictatorial government that attempts to distribute wealth “to each according to his need,” and extract labor “from each according to his ability”.

Marxist/Communist Collectivism Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility

Marxism was designed to create division and internal strife within a Sovereign nation and to created a system of big-government dependency.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto in 1848 to lay out the beliefs and action plan of the Communist Party. The goal was to get communists of every nation to rise up and unite to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors.” Their Manifesto would be used by Stalin and Mao to justify over 100 million murders, in the name of a great leap forward for society.

We have learned over the years that Marxism completely ignores human nature and runs counter to reason, logic and common sense. Marxism and applied communist principles have never worked to better the human condition, but only foster terrible misery and hardship where they’ve been instituted.

In America, the communists have infiltrated society and have subverted many of our institutions. The public schools, the graduated income tax, and even a central state-controlled bank (the Federal Reserve) are prime examples of the tenets of the Communist Manifesto.

10 Planks of Communism by Karl Marx

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose. The government uses eminent domain and property taxes to control your property rights. You do not really own your land if you must pay the government every year in order to keep it. Failure to pay the government rent will eventually result in confiscation of “your” land.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Your tax rates increase as your income goes up. The top 20% of income earners in the U.S. pay approxomately 87% of all income taxes. They account for only 52% of the income earned, but will pay almost all of the income taxes.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. All of this wealth was previously taxed as income or capital gains – this is double taxation. At some point these greedy socialists will gut the middle-class in their quest to confiscate wealth from others, when they realize that all the confiscated wealth from the rich won’t cover a year of government spending.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Sovereign American Citizens who speak out against the government could be classified as domestic terrorists and have all their property seized.

5. Centralized banking system. The government has granted the Federal Reserve dictatorial control over the economy. The Fed is a monopoly that sets the interest rates, prints money, and finances much of the debt of the US government. It centralizes capital, and lets the government decide how to use it. They usually use it to bail out banks, wage wars, and steal more value from the people through inflation. The government now owns many of the country’s largest banks via bailout money.

6. Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. Federal agencies, such as the FCC, FTC, DOT, FAA, TSA, and CBP regulate the phone lines, the roadways, air traffic, rails, mail and package delivery. The government could shut down communication and/or transportation for various groups of people in it’s quest to totalitarian control.

7. Government controlled labor. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a centralized, common plan. This is the antithesis of right to the pursuit of happiness, as exclaimed by the founders in the Declaration of Independence – which is synonymous with property rights and working independently to build a fulfilling life.

8. Equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. With high inflation and higher taxes our society has been thrust into a dual income necessity, in which both husband and wife need multiple jobs.

9. Government ownership of agricultural means and factories. The combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries The government helped create factory farming by regulating all the small-scale producers out of business.The US government has subsidized large crop producers centralizing them, and making it much harder for small farms to compete. The government also has control over utilities such as water and power. All government contractors are essentially government-owned companies and not privately-owned companies. We’ve seen the defense industry become part of the big-government-controlled, massive military-industrial-complex.

10. Government controlled education. The free education for all children in government schools and abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form – combination of education with industrial production, etc. The public school system and the department of education do not not educate, but rather, they indoctrinate children into a Marxist agenda of compliance that the federal government wants for them. Today we see the gap between what people learn in school, and what skills they actually need for good jobs. The communists have got the American education system stuck in a stagnant philosophy of industrial labor.