Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
Sovereign American Citizens must resist handing over all of their personal financial control and privacy to a centralized bureaucratic agency.
Working in the computer/information systems technology sector for years has taught me a few things about how the technology should and should not be used. For instance, the technology is an amazing tool that enables the organizing and storing of information that is invaluable in allowing businesses to run much more efficiently and effectively.
However, this same computer technology can and will be used in nefarious ways to manipulate and control people to their extreme detriment, without the people’s knowledge of what’s actually happening to them from behind the scenes.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot protect you from stupid people
Artificial Intelligence can and will be used to further dumb-down the population and to help facilitate the continuing criminal-breakdown of this formerly great nation.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is system of computer software code called “algorithms” that are used in combination with stored computerized data for the purpose of solving problems, addressing issues, or facilitating the creation of new/innovative ideas, products and other things.
The AI computer uses something called “machine learning” to “educate” itself and to advance it’s own knowledge without having to be programmed with the explicit instructions in order to do so.
There are two types of AI – Specialized AI and Artificial General Intelligence.
Specialized AI is the most familiar to people and is currently in widespread use when dealing with a single specialized task – such as conducting web searches or determining the fastest route to a particular destination.
A second type of AI called Artificial General Intelligence can, and probably will, match and even exceed human intelligence capabilities.
The insane push for the big-government-complex’s implementation of AI will result in a massive increase of surveillance and control over the people, that will result in big-government-tyranny that must be vehemently opposed by freedom-loving people if they don’t not want to be caught under the heavy boot of out-of-control government.
This AI monstrosity provides for more centralized big-government control over people, industry and commerce
A huge, very questionable 100-page executive order signed by the White House resident, Dementia-Joe Biden, provides for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implementation in the “whole of government.”
This bogus executive order mandates that all federal agencies establish an annual “equity action plan” aimed at helping “under-served communities.”
The big-government-wide push for this all-encompassing “equity” plan means giving special treatment to groups of people based on their skin color, gender, gender identity, or some other bureaucratic, government-defined category.
In effect the Biden regime has weaponizing artificial intelligence to target normal American citizens who do not bend to the government’s tyrannical dictates.
Dementia-Joe’s UN-Constitutional executive order dictates that all AI projects conform to prescribed equity principles and further states that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be primarily used to “advance equity” throughout all automated systems in the Federal Government.
The government’s overriding policy of this so-called “equity” is in no way aligned with true equality, and can and will be used to further hammer down the rights and freedoms of those persons who don’t conform to the government’s agenda of control and tyranny. This Government term of “equity” is in NO WAY equality – it is just the opposite.
This UN-Constitutional executive order will be used to create a national DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) bureaucracy and has mandated a specialized woke-AI nightmare that will be used to pry into your personal life and privacy.
These woke AI algorithms could be incorporated into cell phones, electronic devices, automobiles, household appliances and any other electronic means of dictatorial control over the people.
The corrupt Biden regime’s call to integrate this AI monster with left-wing, Marxist-impregnated-ideologies will continue to compromise every major US institution and to further the breakdown of normal American society and culture – all in the name of this Marxist-lunacy of “Advancing Equity and Civil Rights”
If this Artificial General Intelligence nightmare is allowed to happen under big-government control, it has the very real potential to ruin and destroy lives with mass layoffs and the incipient welfare-check sent out in their “universal basic income” (UBI). This Marxist-globalist UBI-Utopian scheme will only provide for very meager existence in which “you will own nothing and you will be happy!”.
Weaponized AI could be used to further a socialist, dystopian, 1984-nightmare that will allow total control over you via Communist-China-Style, Digital IDs that are linked to a social credit score system used in combination with their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), that is in reality Communist Bank Digital Control over the People.
Digital IDs linked with bank and other money accounts will be used to restrict access or completely deny access to your money, if the big-government AI-bot determines that you are some kind of threat to their established social order and you need to be punished. This should scare the hell out of you!
Do Not Comply – Do Not acquiesce – Do Not Co-operate
Out-of-control Big-government agencies in conjunction with Mega-corporations are rapidly weaponizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extinguish what remains of the free market and to push Americans into their Marxist-socialist “Utopia”, using “ESG” scores, mass layoffs, and a meager “universal basic income.” Their end goal is total control over you under a Chinese-communist-style social-credit-score system – providing you with a life full of shared misery and poverty.
The last thing that any self-respecting American citizen should want is for some centralized big-government computer system to dictate where and how you live, whether you can or cannot eat, and whether or not you get proper medical care.
The digital-tyranny of this Marxist social-credit-score system, digital ID and CBDC is aimed at evil, anti-American, destruction of the people’s freedom and liberty. This tyrannical, digital-assault on American Citizen’s lives must be stopped and rejected with great vehemence. It must be pushed back into the disgusting rat-hole from whence it came.