Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
The pursuit of the objective truth is no longer the goal of the press/media, but rather, a left-wing interpretation that supports the objectives of big-government, big-business and big-institutions that run in opposition to the People’s best interests.
The propagandist-media are definitely not in the business of fair and objective reporting, that thereby allows the People to make their own reasoned decisions that are free of media-filtered bias.
This propagandist-media machine is in the business of creating and shaping events to fit their twisted, biased view of the world. These pseudo-events then give rise to more lies and the creation of more pseudo-events in order to keep the false narrative going on and on. They then use this contrived propaganda to mislead the People and to move them in ways that fit their cynical, totalitarian agenda that is directly opposed to free and independent thought. This Marxist-globalist, anti-American propaganda is aimed at breaking down our nation’s traditional values and institutions in favor of a twisted, evil agenda that works against any normal Citizen’s best interests.
Marxist Propagandist Media Seeks To Destroy Individual Rights & Responsibility
This arrogant, irresponsible propagandist-media sees themselves as special club of intellectually elite and as a virtuous minority that must manage the news in such a way as to insure the betterment of the “unwashed masses” that do not possess the unique capabilities of these “gifted” media scions who are, in reality, the purveyors of left-wing ignorance and stupidity.
The media are operating as a propaganda tool for the party of left-wing, big-government dependency and socialism. Rather than support free speech, it has squelched and censored free speech and communication to the point of being dangerous to the continuing existence of a free republic. The propagandist-media is a threat to the Citizenry’s right to a free and open exchange of ideas and emboldens tyranny with it’s arbitrary censorship of truthful information that runs counter to it’s destructive agenda.
The propagandist-media is openly opposed to America’s founding principles of freedom, liberty and a free market, capitalist economy in favor of their agenda that supports collectivist, authoritarian tyranny. The media’s agenda, therefore, is doing a free People and a free republic a grave dis-service and has become a tool for more big-government tyranny.
The propagandist-media has an open disgust and distrust for the normal Citizen and preaches the virtues of so-called “experts” and administrators that control and filter the flow of news and information, distilling it down for the Citizenry to digest. This filtering process, of course, yields a great bias toward the viewpoint of those doing the filtering – giving a leftist/progressive, big-government supportive slant to the news that does not bode well for the normal Citizen’s understanding of what is truly going on in the world.
Objective truth and reality are directly opposed to the shady, counter-productive agenda of the propagandist-media. They go into a kind of group-think, lock-step frenzy to counter any affront of their strangle-hold on the reporting of actual events.
In fact, this Marxist-indoctrinated propaganda machine, the so-called media, has openly pushed a radical left-wing-agenda that has been slowly breaking down this nation with the “woke” insanity of Marxist-feminism and Black Liberation Marxism. They have evolved into being nothing more than useful-idiots and tools for the globalist agenda that aims at destroying our precious Freedoms and Liberty, and our national Sovereignty.
As we’ve painfully seen over the years, the arrogance of the propagandist-media does a great disservice to the American Citizenry and has furthered the breakdown of our free republic. The continued viability of this republic depends on fair, honest and truthful reporting of the facts and the actual news.
In moving forward, the twisted lies generated by propagandist-media must be wholly rejected and those purveyors of this nonsense must be held accountable and responsible for their grave disservice to the nation.