Left-wing Radicals Hate America

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom

This country is being torn apart at the seams by left-wing-radicals that have ZERO regard for our Constitutionally-guaranteed Rights and Freedoms. Their radical-ideology is heavily influenced by the same Marxist propaganda that is akin to the Marxist-insanity that we’ve seen pushed on other failed nation states. These brain-dead, left-wing-lunatics are seeking the total transformation of this nation into a communist totalitarian dictatorship.

As President Trump has said, repeatedly, this evil, criminal globalist-regime in DC is out to take down and destroy freedom and liberty for normal American citizens, Trump is just standing in their way. On July 13th, he was literally standing-strong in harms way and took an assassin’s bullet for We-The-Freedom-Loving-Citizens of this nation. These left-wing-lunatics will not stop trying to destroy this nation from within, unless they are stopped. We need to prepare accordingly.

In 2020 we witnessed massive destruction in many large cities by Marxist-indoctrinated mobs that have Zero regard for the law and any sort of peaceful protest. They used this “George Floyd” hysteria and nonsense as a pretense to undertake their destructive rioting. It’s plain to see, now, that they actually planned to “tear it all down” and then to build back into a dysfunctional, totalitarian communist regime – that is Build Back Communist (BBC).

In effect, these radicalized “protestors” have crossed the line and have declared war on this country and it’s freedom-loving citizens. These Marxist-propagandized-fools seek to destroy the underpinnings and the foundation of our democracy, and to turn this nation into just another third-world, banana-republic dictatorship, in which all citizens have equal shares of poverty and misery. Their lunacy is foreign to our way of thinking and our way of life.

Maybe our Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and liberty are not the right fit for these discontented/demented individuals who want to tear it all down and turn this country into something that it is NOT, never has been and never will be.

These left-wing-globalists foolishly believe that they can turn this country, and the rest of the world for that matter, into some sort of crazy, Marxist-Utopian, dream-filled cupcake, with rainbows, lollypops and unicorns. What they will actually create, however, is a dystopia that is far more disgusting and sinister than anything these dimwits could imagine.

We’ve seen mob actions over the past several years, in which these radical-globalists have destroyed lives and property – justifying all this mayhem and chaos with their Marxist mantra/credo that “the end justifies the means”.

The bottom line: Insane left-wing-radicals have declared war on normal American Citizens.

Once sane people understand their motivation and the leftist belief that winning takes precedence over the actual truth and what is right, it’s much easier to finally decide to move forward with what needs to be done.

The options to handling this tragic situation are not easy to contemplate. However, very simply-put, if these radical-lunatics seek to destroy what so many have fought for and worked for so many years to achieve, maybe it’s time to give these malcontents the boot out of this country. Let them find their “contentment” in some foreign totalitarian-cesspool that fulfills their insane vision of what they want to foist onto this struggling nation.

Make no mistake – these radicalized, woke, left-wing-marauders are at war with freedom-loving American citizens. Their communist/socialist/fascist masters have ZERO problem with killing anyone and everyone who gets in the way of their conquest and domination of this nation. Look at the havoc created by totalitarian, leftist-lunatics numerous times throughout the 20th Century in other targeted nations, such as the defunct USSR, China and Cuba.

Politicians, big-government-bureaucrats, big-media-propagandists and others are using psychological manipulation, subterfuge and outright lies to confuse and mislead the public and to hide their treasonous and seditious activities. These woke-radicals are driven to break down this nation economically, socially, culturally and politically at an ever quickening pace. They have NO regard for the devastation they are causing to the lives of innocent American Citizens who only wish to live their lives in peace.

These left-wing-lunatics will use all means available to them to destroy this nation, including creating chaos and mayhem by using mobs and rioting, corporate interference, governmental force, disinformation/misinformation, school indoctrination and sabotage of our critical infrastructure. They have created a great division and balkanization within this nation. Geographic and ethnic fragmentation of this country has never been so great, not even during the Civil War in the 1860s. Make no mistake – this impending catastrophe is all by their evil design.

These left-wing/woke lunatics have wreaked great havoc on innocent citizens, causing much physical, social and emotional damage that will be difficult, if not impossible to repair. Therefore, these Marxist-globalist-radicalized tools/shills must be taken down, exposed and jailed for their transgressions against Sovereign American Citizens. A great many of these transgressors should be deported from this nation and relocated into one of their favorite Marxist-hell-holes for some additional communist-regime inspiration and R&R.

One thought on “Left-wing Radicals Hate America

  1. Editor’s note: This America-hating, left-wing-lunatic below, responded to the post. This represents the insanity of what sane Americans are facing:

    Baloney. A bunch of poorly educated Trumpsters just HATE all change for the better. And they want to dismantle the entire government, because they’re too intellectually lazy to FIX the agencies so they are efficient and serve the public purpose they were intended to serve. Ripping ev erything out because you lost an election is not the answer. Try running a NON-Criminal candidate that isn’t on a revenge tour prior to his criminal sentencing. Trump STILL faces 3 serious felony trials in the next 3=6 months.

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