Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
In order to secure our natural rights of Liberty and Freedom, Citizens must reassert Common Sense principles and their personal Sovereignty, thereby rejecting all forms of government tyranny. Importantly – our Freedom and self-rule require that the People seek the truth, do right by their creator, act responsibly and are held accountable for their actions.
1) The Declaration of Independence – The importance of this passage remains as important as ever:
‘We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.’
2) Common Sense – ‘good sense and sound judgment in practical matters’. Americans must embrace ‘Common Sense’ and trust their own instincts and judgment about what is right and just, and how the country should be run – as they do with their everyday decisions. Government should fairly and simply work for the people and not run a-muck with a highly-complex, self-serving agenda. The Common Sense of the UN-Common-Citizen must be respected and held dearly, and must never be underestimated, discouraged or trampled upon. This nation was founded upon Common Sense principles and sound judgment. However, in the past several decades Common Sense has been greatly degraded and eroded by big-government propaganda, policies of dependency, and by politically correct censorship of the truth.
3) Citizenship – the status of being a Citizen of this country with all of the rights, responsibilities, respect and protections thereof. The Citizen is a free, independent, autonomous individual that has the voting power to pick his own leaders in a Constitutional republic. The ownership of Private Property in a community being very important to the vitality of Citizenship in this nation. The meaning and value of being an American Citizen has been watered down and completely broken down over the years with the degradation of the middle-class, with the globalist destruction of our borders and with that the fracturing of society into tribal groups with no commonality or sense of community. This big-government assault on Citizenship has led to the massive buildup of the welfare state and of the UN-elected administrative-state-bureaucracy, thereby creating government dependency with too many that are essentially wards of the state. With the massive buildup of the welfare-state system, the noble idea of Citizenship no longer has much, if any, meaning – as we’re seeing, the Bigger the government, the smaller the Citizenship.
4) Sovereignty – supreme power of the People or an individual of a nation, state, or society, especially over a body politic, maintaining autonomy and freedom from external control or controlling influences. Our founding fathers understood that America’s true connection to the People is as a sanctuary for those lovers of civil and religious liberty and for those who yearn to escape oppression. The Sovereign Citizen does not worship wealthy individuals nor the government, but is free and autonomous to pursue his own independent future. Government is instituted to secure and protect the God-given rights of the Sovereign, independent individual. It is essential that Citizens again become self-reliant, accountable individuals that are not dependent upon big-government-welfare-state programs.
5) Morals & Individual Responsibility – self-discipline, righteous principles, discernment, a strong sense of ethical behavior and responsibility/accountability for one’s actions are essential requirements for the Sovereign Citizen in a functioning, self-governing, democratic republic. The Sovereign Citizen should be a humble-crusader for good-will, Common Sense, Freedom and Liberty in order to keep the specter of big-government tyranny at bay.
6) Government – a ‘necessary evil’ because it restrains our vices. The natural social order brings people together, while government divides and/or punishes them. Government’s purpose is to serve the people – however, this massive, exceedingly-complex, government system that’s been built up has been used to thwart the People, can no longer solve critical problems and is completely unresponsive to the People’s true needs. Instead of actually solving problems, feckless government can only pass the buck and blame other entities outside their direct purview.
7) Tyranny – Citizens have experienced unjust and oppressive governmental power used against them and has led to the authoritarian abuse of our precious Freedoms and Liberty. UN-Constitutional laws have been written by UN-elected administrative-state-bureaucratic-agencies that exercise despotic-control over normal Sovereign Citizens, trampling their precious Constitutional rights and freedoms. This tyranny has led to unfair, over-burdensome taxation to feed government’s insatiable appetite for more and more power and control.
What we have witnessed in recent years makes it imperative that we restore the Founding Father’s Constitutional Republic.