Freedom Fort Post

Government’s Threat to Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom


The Declaration of Independence was written by our nation’s Founding Fathers, declaring that all People have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We have witnessed over the past several years the complete breakdown of our founding principles and essential individual rights and freedoms – we have witnessed Death, Tyranny and the Burden of Socialist/Communist oppression aggressively forced upon the People by criminal, immoral, anti-American forces from within and outside this country.

Marxist-globalist forces in collusion with all levels of tyrannical government and propaganda-media have herded the People like sheep to the slaughter by a multitude of unforgivable crimes against humanity. It’s high time that these usurpers of our Life, Liberty, and Freedom are stopped and finally held accountable for their outrageous crimes against Sovereign American Citizens.

The perpetrators of out-of-control government have demonstrated, time after time, that they do not govern on behalf of the People, nor in the People’s best interests – but rather, they rule over the People like tyrants and mini-dictators. All fascist and communist dictators are left-wing, big-government tyrants that do not work for the people, but rather, work to control the People for their own selfish purposes.

Out-of-control government has become a blood-sucking parasite on the American people, draining the energy and funds from independent, hard-working Citizens and redistributing our wealth to it’s self-serving, liberal-progressive programs, that in turn further burden the People. This insane cycle feeds on itself until it fully consumes the Life, Liberty and the Happiness from all the People until there is nothing left to steal.

The people have been under the tyrannical-control by this massive administrative state that’s been built up for the past 100 years. This inscrutable tyrannical-bureaucracy is the single biggest threat that faces the Constitution and our republic – going way beyond the separation-of-powers that the Constitution had enacted. The vast majority of our laws today are created and enforced by unelected bureaucrats who have become completely unaccountable to the people. They are oblivious to the damage their out-of-control regulations are doing to this country.

This out-of-control government, that continually proves it cannot govern within Constitutional limits, behaves in an immoral, tyrannical, despotic manner that is completely foreign to our founding principles and threatens our precious freedoms and our way of life. Our forward-looking Founding Fathers placed Constitutional limits on government power and control, knowing that government politicians and bureaucrats could not be trusted to act in the People’s best interests and would stray away from these Constitutional bounds, when allowed, for their own selfish interests.

Our Founding Fathers sacrificed and fought for the creation of this independent nation and agonized over the creation of our Constitution that guarantees to all American Citizens Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Why then, are so many Citizens, today, so eager to give up our hard-fought Constitutional protections and individual freedoms and liberties in favor of some nebulous, vague and ill-defined promise of government protections, and with that, an inherent dependency on arbitrary government programs that are administered by a massive welfare-state-bureaucracy.

Governments operate for their own selfish interests, which are in direct conflict with the good of the people for whom it is supposed to serve, which is an upside-down situation. IL-liberal governments operate by their own myopic Utopian vision that is not workable in the real world – they operate within their own narrow, limited vision of the world.

These out-of-control, myopic Utopian-fools have propagated the continual drum-beat of an approaching climate catastrophe in the form of so-called “global warming” and “climate change” that they say will destroy all life on the planet if not remedied by their concoction of draconian, tyrannical measures that run counter to reality, reason and Common Sense. These Utopians are insane and in no way should be allowed to force their collectivist-lunacy on the We-the-Sovereign-Citizens.

Marxist Collectivism Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility

Marxist-influenced-government uses so-called “experts” and so-called “intellectuals” as mouth-pieces to push their bogus “climate change” and “global warming” agenda. Their climate-change-boon-doggle nonsense is in reality a sort of religion to them and is used as a tool in their insane drive to destroy Sovereign Citizen’s businesses and precious Freedom and Liberty.

These crazed Marxists are driven to destroy capitalism and independent business, at all costs, in order to institute their “build back better” (BBB) agenda, which is truthfully, build back communist (BBC), in which all People will have equal shares of poverty and misery.

A massive welfare-state-system-of-dependency has been created and those “fortunate” enough to get in on the big-government-gravy-train receive lavish benefits that normal, hard-working, Sovereign Citizens can only dream about.

The medical industry is a prime example of the destructive effects of government activity. Medical care, or the lack thereof, has become a favorite tool of left-wing, big-government-agents in their crazed effort to control the People at all costs. Over the decades since government has gotten involved in the People’s health, the quality of medical care has been greatly eroded, while the costs have skyrocketed.

Government cannot make you “equal” however it will make you dependent on their wasteful, Unaffordable programs

Those in the government welfare-system receive very generous benefits, indeed, including medical benefits that could be categorized as being a “Cadillac” type plan. This is exactly the reason why health-care costs have gone through the roof. Government control of health-care has made it UN-affordable for most independent, Sovereign American Citizens.

An entire industry has been created by big-government that revolves around victim-hood. The affirmative-action-mentality has degraded this country in many ways, and those dependent of government protections are promoted not for the content of their character, but by their gender and skin color. There are countless examples of the tyranny of the so-called “minority”, in which the government-system-of-dependency continues to grow and expand, while promoting those to levels way beyond their ability and competency.

This Marxist, affirmative-action-insanity that has been building for many years, has reinforced the breakdown of this nation over time. Now, we are witnessing the terrible-results of this UN-constitutional government activity. How many so-called “minorities” and females have been hired and promoted, NOT for the content of their character and qualifications, but for their gender and skin color. This racist/sexist insanity has been foisted on the American people by Marxist-globalists to create division and animosity, thereby furthering the breakdown of the nation.

Black Liberation Marxism is Tyranny of the Minority in which White people, the so-called “majority”, are discriminated against by these government-dependent, government-protected, so-called “minorities”. This is all part of the Marxist-globalist, Chinese CCP plan to further divide and conquer this nation from within. Those who push this racist-clap-trap are in effect useful-tools and useless-fools for their globalist-masters.

Governments no longer work for the people for whom they are supposed to serve, and have become not much more than a mafia crime syndicate and legalized shake-down operation that’s aimed at keeping the People fearful, poor and inline. Huge UN-elected government bureaucracies, academia, media propagandists, and crony business interests have trampled upon the normal, independent citizen’s Constitutional rights.

Common Sense and our sense of Freedom have been degraded to the point that we now find ourselves in a quandary as to what is striking down this great nation and as to what should be done to remedy to this multitude of assaults and afflictions that this country is now suffering.

Unfortunately, left-wing Marxists never understand the detrimental, adverse effects of their policies until they get slammed right between the eyes by their insane, unworkable policies.

Therefore, it is essential that We the People, who are independent, freedom loving, Constitution abiding Citizens do declare/proclaim that corrupt, self-serving government is no longer responsible to us – constantly and consistently working against the Citizens, for whom it is supposed to serve. Self-serving, tyrannical government has strayed way beyond the bounds placed on it by our our Founding Fathers and our Constitution. Government has proven itself, time and again, incapable of governing within Constitutional limits and constraints in it’s lust for power and control over the People.

It’s imperative that these mockers of Constitutional limits on governmental power and control are properly dealt-with. We’ve seen the unfortunate results, in countless instances, when these limits have been compromised and the People’s Rights and Freedoms have been trampled-upon to the point in which they’re virtually non-existent.

We need to identify the usurpers of our essential Liberty and Freedom and hold these culprits accountable for their egregious behavior.


5 thoughts on “Freedom Fort Post

  1. Glad to see someone posting truthful information about the anti-American insanity going on in this country.

  2. Very good information on your site. Freedom & liberty have really been hammered the past several years with big-government tyranny!

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