Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
We’ve all heard about the mayhem, chaos and lunacy that has gone rampant in some of the largest democrat-controlled cities in the US – such a New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. While the city of Seattle is smaller and doesn’t get the notoriety of it’s larger sister cities, it is every bit as chaotic and dysfunctional as these other leftist-controlled cities – possibly even more so!
Out-of-control left-wing-lunatics, who are running Seattle (into the sewer), have created an environment in which normal law-biding citizens are abused and even treated as criminals, all-the-while actual criminals and/or druggies are allowed to run rampant throughout the city.
These so-called “blue cities” are actually Marxist/socialist deeply-red cities run by insane left-wing-radicals
In their outrageous quest to turn Seattle into some sort of a liberal “diversity utopia”, these crazed leftists have only created a dystopian sanctuary for homeless camps that are ubiquitously scattered throughout the city. Alien-looking graffiti is scribbled throughout this dysfunctional city that is rapidly spiraling down into being just a another third-world-cesspool of poverty and crime – which is a far cry from the magical “Emerald City” that it’s portrayed to be.
In the supreme effort to make a bad situation even worse, Seattle’s brain-dead, brain-trust has brought in many thousands of Illegal Invaders from all over the world that further drain necessary cities services – What could go wrong there. Their socialist-welfare-mentality is rapidly destroying this city that used to be a great place to live and work. This an unmitigated crime against the normal, sane residents who now fear for their own safety.
These Left-wing-radicals that have infested Seattle/King-Co have also been in the process of ruining the entire state, including Eastern Washington, because of their crazy, out-of-control policies that fly-in-the-face of reality, reason and common sense. The city of Spokane has now elected a left-wing-lunatic mayor who is proposing crazed policies that infringe on sovereign, private property rights in favor of her out-of-control socialist-welfare-insanity.
In addition, this leftist-lunacy has spread like a cancer to other Western Washington counties that are now lock-step with the policies that have broken down Seattle/King-Co. They’ve pushed their Marxist-globalist Agenda 2030 criminality to further destroy private property rights in neighboring counties by tightening control of all land through a corrupted corporate-government bureaucracy. For instance, certain sub-species of pocket gophers, that are in fact rodent pests, are being used to shutdown a property owner’s ability to use his own land, under the penalty of stiff fines and/or jail time.
The situation in Seattle has gotten so dire and out-of-control that many property owners who have lost control of their properties to the criminal element, even fearing for their own lives, are desperately trying to leave the insanity and torment of the Seattle cesspool behind.
Washington’s dysfunctional and disgusting predicament has been duplicated in the neighboring state of Oregon, in which most of the Eastern Oregon counties have now voted for secession from Oregon and annexation into the much more sane and conservative state of Idaho. Normal citizens are having to take things into their own hands now, because these left-wing-fools who have been voted into power do not represent them at all and only treat these normal, tax paying citizens with disdain.
In response to this left-wing-tyranny many people are bailing out of Washington, and the entire left coast (WA, OR, CA), because of the communist-style regulations and heavy taxation that has severely/negatively impacted private property throughout these corrupt states. These Marxist-indoctrinated-fools who run these large cities have ZERO regard for private property rights, which makes the situation almost impossible to deal with for the normal citizens who just want to lives their lives free of big-government tyranny.
It’s tragic, indeed, that these left-wing-dictators and the ignorant voters who put them into office in these communist-red (not blue) cities, such as Seattle, will not wake up and understand what they’re doing to destroy sovereign citizens freedoms and liberty, until they get smacked right between the eyes by their own idiotic policies.
As we’ve seen with this massively destructive L.A. conflagration, the price is exceedingly-high when woke, left-wing-lunacy is allowed to run rampant throughout a community.
The following is a disturbing and eye-opening account by one fed-up/put-upon Seattle resident and property owner:
Did you know Seattle’s legal system has become so absurdly dysfunctional tenants can now effectively stop paying rent and get away with it by leveraging tenant protections to legally steal from their landlord? Then our city council complains about landlords when theft and crime forces us to raise rents on our good tenants because the bad ones are simply not paying rent and in most cases we can’t even evict them.
I just fire sold one of my largest building on Aurora Ave N Seattle for seven figures less than it should sell for because I’ve come to realize I can’t offer my tenants safe housing in this insane legal environment where the Seattle City Council has passed tenant protections which are insulating criminals from accountability at the expense of all my good tenant’s safety.
Over the years we have quite possibly housed hundreds of previously homeless individuals and by doing so have gotten a glimpse into a profoundly broken system full of tax payer funded waste coupled with bad policy which has in return exacerbated the problems our city has been trying to solve. This largely self inflicted spiral has accelerated in recent years where we now not only have more homeless than ever before but under the guise of new tenant protections, dizzying complex laws have been passed that have effectively shut down our courts in King County with gridlock so we can’t even evict tenants who don’t pay rent or are dangerous. Tax payer funded attorneys, including the Housing Justice Project are defending pimps, drug dealers, violent tenants and those that choose not to pay their rent from well intended landlords merely trying to restore safety to their buildings; local political leaders’ toxic rhetoric have driven away much of the scarce talent and experience within our police department, local government, and I’ve come to the sobering realization that providing my good tenants with safe housing is untenable in this broken city. The housing first model where tax payers provide free housing to junkies and mentally ill, and then insulate them with bullet proof tenant protections have wrecked safe housing for the large majority of good tenants who deserve safety but can’t get it in Seattle.
In recent time this story got very personal. When my own well-being and those around me were put at risk, merely for being a landlord in Seattle, I pursued every legal pathway and while my expectations were not high, I was profoundly disappointed by the utter incompetence and failure at every level of Seattle government. From our city council who have ostensibly been involved, to our absent police depart whom were consistently MIA and rarely even showed up let alone enforce life threatening circumstances, to our broken courts and our dysfunctional Seattle prosecutor’s office who can’t even coordinate with law enforcement to avoid losing critical documentation required to prosecute. Never would I have imagined that police would refuse to arrest tenants whom attack their landlord on camera and violently chase their landlords around the property; or refuse to arrest non tenants who break into empty units (on camera), change the locks and arbitrarily declare themselves tenants insulating themselves from accountability under the endless tenant protection laws so the police will not arrest them or in many cases even remove them. Court ordered restraining orders have proven to be useless in Seattle even when violent offenders publicly announce their intent to kill their landlord and take actions to inflict harm on camera. When no contact orders were chronically broken the police were useless and rarely even respond. When they did respond, for weeks they could not even find the court order in their system so did nothing. After weeks when it finally appeared in their system allowing for an arrest then the prosecutors couldn’t even find the required documentation of service by law enforcement precluding them from prosecuting. I’ve learned the police, courts, and entire system can’t be counted on in Seattle. Temporary relief was only provided through a crisis line where a judge signed off on an involuntary hospitalization. But the individual was promptly released to pursue their reign of terror. After inflicting untold carnage on the community such violent offenders if lucky may be arrested only to be promptly released, or as I’ve been warned by senior law enforcement non profits will pay their bail as a form of charity so they can be quickly released back to the streets to continue their reign of terror. You can live in Seattle and not see this underbelly of our disjointed system but when targeted by someone with nothing to lose you can only brace for a roller coaster of utter madness. Seattle has a reputation for dysfunction, and I’ve personally learned that it’s much worse than I even realized.
For my own safety and sanity I’m divesting from Seattle. I am so disappointed in our new city council. Some of them have acknowledged the profound problems that exist with their housing policy that foster crime, and yet they still have not made the bold changes needed to stabilize rents and hold criminals accountable. Shame on them. Shame on our feckless police department who act more like social workers then serious law enforcement. Shame on our courts, judges and commissioners who refuse to hold dead beat tenants accountable and allow evictions continuances to drag well over a year while small landlords go bankrupt. I’m sorry for the rant but I am so profoundly disappointed in our city. When are those of us that play by the rules, pay our taxes, and pick up our own trash going to get the representation in Seattle?
Very interesting piece.