Return to Constitutional Government

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom

America has completely run off the rails of sanity – loosing track of it’s foundational principles. The people are in a confused fog and their elected representatives operate out of arrogance, ignorance, incompetence and selfishness. It is high time to reform government in such a way that it again functions for We the People in a manner prescribed by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and our founding documents.

We the People need to remember that government is instituted in order to secure and protect the God-given rights of the Sovereign, independent individual. It is essential that Citizens again become self-reliant, accountable individuals that are not dependent upon big-government and it’s many forms of tyranny.

Self-serving Authoritarian Government Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility

The degradation of our founding principles and protections from an overbearing government has occurred over many decades and the People been lulled to sleep as if everything were OK and running along normally. Now we’ve lost track of what it truly means to be an American Citizen, with certain unalienable rights and privileges – among those are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The long and constant abuse of power by the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government that has oppressed the good Citizens of this country needs to be examined and these abuses of power that confound our Constitution must be stopped by Sovereign Citizens.

Out-of-control government must be chained down by our Constitution

We need to regain an understanding of wisdom upon which this country was founded in it’s struggle to be free from inhumane despotism and tyranny. We must resurrect Constitutional authority in order to get this country back on the right track.

Government, being a necessary evil, restrains our vices on one hand, providing a solid structure in which the People can live and prosper, but it also divides and punishes us on the other. Excessive, out-of-control government can and will do much harm to individual rights and freedoms – hence the creation of a Constitution in order to limit government’s propensity for tyrannical, draconian control over the People for whom it is supposed to serve.

We the People elect representatives to represent us in a fair democratic government. We audit them and can UN-elect them should they fail to properly represent us. However, congress no longer works for We the People and it has abdicated it’s role to a massive administrative state of UN-elected bureaucrats that is more much concerned with their own selfish agenda than in fulfilling it’s role of working in the People’s best interests. They create a bewildering-mess of rules and regulations that only serve to stifle and burden the citizenry beyond any sense of reason or sanity. Who are they, these UN-elected, government-dependent-bureaucrats to decide how normal, freedom-loving Americans should live.

The BIGGER the government – The smaller the Citizenship

Self-serving government administrative bureaucracy is the antithesis to Constitutional government, possessing Zero Common Sense and is prone to tyranny against the People for whom they are supposed to serve. These administrative-state bureaucrats are given the title of “expert” in the UN-laudable effort to derail all dissent and to consolidate their unchecked power over the Citizenry.

The judiciary, that is supposed to enforce Constitutional principles, is corrupt beyond belief and is at the mercy of special interests that work insidiously against the People’s best interests. The courts have taken it upon themselves to act outside the Constitution to create their own laws based on their own arrogant big-government bias.

Importantly, Citizens own their own property, not the state, which is essential to a functional Constitutional republic. Citizens have the right to pass on property without interference from the state. The American Constitution stresses the great importance of Private Property Rights, without which We the People are under the boot of big government with no secure place of our own. There is a big push by big-government to move the People into high-density “living” quarters (Human Warehouses) in order to realize their dark-vision of centralized control and tyranny – Sovereign Citizens must resist this assault on their personal property rights and freedoms.

Self-serving government now demands that We the People worship the state as if government were their “god” and that the People dare not question any of it’s dictatorial edicts. The People are expected to unquestioningly obey these these government politicians and bureaucrats as if they are some sort of omnipotent beings – this is outright tyranny and UN-constitutional despotism.

Self-serving authoritarian government has created a wall between itself and the People, in effect shielding itself from the real world experiences of normal citizens. It is completely out-of-touch with the normal world that it really doesn’t understand.

The tyranny of this massive, UN-elected, administrative-state bureaucracy has trashed our Constitutional rights and freedoms and has hammered our essential Private Property Rights. Self appointed bureaucratic experts live in a bubble of their own making and have very little interest or understanding of the real world, or the negative effects of their rules and regulations that negatively impact normal American’s Freedom, Liberty and Property.

These UN-elected, administrative-state bureaucrats have been given powers over the People that far outweigh their abilities and are given that power in perpetuity. They are held UN-accountable and have job security beyond all reason and common sense.

The People must chain down Out-of-control government

Self-serving authoritarian government behaves much like a tyrannical despot that is completely out-of-touch with the People who pay the taxes for protection and services that they never receive.

Self-serving government has proven itself incapable of properly governing in the People’s best interests, rather, it despotically rules over the people in much the same tyrannical way of King George that precipitated the Revolutionary War.

Self-serving government does not work FOR the People, but works to CONTROL the People for it’s own benefit.

Self-serving government can never fix things, however, it very good at destroying Property Rights, Liberty, Freedom, Common Sense and Sovereignty – most everything that government touches turns to waste.

Government cannot make you “equal” however it will make you dependent on their wasteful, Unaffordable programs

Self-serving government uses lies and deceptive propaganda to push this “government empowerment” nonsense in which a so-called “minority” is supposedly being abused by a so-called “majority”. This fragmentation of the social-structure is the principle mechanism for controlling the masses, in order to build their power and control over all independent, Sovereign Citizens. Myopic government has created a Tyranny of the Minority in which Big-minority interests are in collusion with this out-of-control Big-government welfare-state complex. This country’s overall liberties and freedoms have been degraded by so-called “minorities” enjoying special treatment to the detriment of others, even to the point of running roughshod over the law, creating havoc and chaos, with ZERO accountability. This is, in effect, government-sanctioned Tyranny of the Minority.

Corrupt government politicians and bureaucrats have allowed a massive illegal invasion, at the southern border and elsewhere. This invasion has rendered Citizenship as virtually worthless and is being watered down to the point of non-existence and of sad little importance. Protecting Citizenship is essential to a strong Constitutional republic.

Sovereign American Citizens must fight against this self-serving, authoritarian government that has gone off the rails with corruption and tyranny against our Constitutional protections. Government, therefore, must be placed back under the control of our Constitution and reigned in before it can do more damage to the People’s Liberty and Freedom.