Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
Congressional “representatives” no longer work for the Citizens of this nation, but are now just order-takers for a vast web of centralized-bureaucratic-control. Arrogant politicians and bureaucrats have become, in reality, not much more than irresponsible, dependent children of this massive welfare-state that’s been foisted upon the People. They have become completely unaccountable to the People, for whom they are supposed to serve.
The people have been under the tyrannical-control by this massive administrative state that’s been built up for the past 100 years. This inscrutable tyrannical-bureaucracy is the single biggest threat that faces the Constitution and our republic – going way beyond the separation-of-powers that the Constitution had enacted. The vast majority of our laws today are created and enforced by unelected bureaucrats who have become completely unaccountable to the people. They are oblivious to the damage their out-of-control regulations are doing to this country.
Democracy and individual liberties are under grave assault by an unaffordable, unsustainable bureaucratic-boondoggle that knows no limits and is completely UN-accountable to the People and their representatives. These behemoth big-government-agencies have become infested with bureaucrats who in many cases have little, if any, moral or ethical discernment, with complete lack of responsibility and accountability. This arrogant, irresponsible, administrative-state-cesspool must be shrunk to the point that it can no longer push their anti-American agenda that cripples the free-spirit of Sovereign Citizens in this country. This is why We the People must demand the gutting of these out-of-control, bureaucratic-monstrosities that selfishly exist to destroy our Freedom and Liberty.
Marxist/Communist Collectivism Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility
Back in 2008 criminal-Marxist Barry Hussein Obozo spoke of, “Fundamentally transforming this nation”. The Marxist-agenda is to stifle all political opposition and to ram insane Marxist-propaganda down the throats of all normal citizens until they cannot discern the difference between right and wrong and good from evil.
Marxist-influenced politicians and bureaucrats have an agenda to destroy capitalism and independent business in this nation in order to institute their “build back better” (BBB) agenda, which is truthfully Build Back Communist (BBC), in which all People will have equal shares of poverty and misery. These busybody Marxist-extremists have also created a nightmare called ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) that’s being forced on businesses in order to perpetuate their anti-American, anti-Freedom, Marxist/Communist agenda on the People.
Marxist-influenced big-government uses so-called “experts” and so-called “intellectuals” as mouth-pieces to push their bogus “climate change” and “global warming” agenda. Their climate-change-boondoggle nonsense is in reality a sort of green-religion to them and is used as a tool in their out-of-control drive to destroy Sovereign Citizen’s businesses and precious Freedom and Liberty.
Government politicians and administrative state bureaucrats have used nice-sounding terms such as “empathy” and “diversity” to deceive freedom-loving Americans into capitulation to their big-government control and tyranny. The People, thereby, have been manipulated into believing that government will provide all the solutions for their lives and will properly care for them – this is simply not true and not possible. Self-serving government has created a web of dependency that destroys individual dignity and self-respect, that is a direct result of the massive-welfare-state’s never-ending chain of outright lies and deceptive propaganda.
Government cannot make you “equal” however it will make you dependent on their wasteful, Unaffordable programs
This Marxist, affirmative-action-insanity that has been building for many years, has reinforced the breakdown of this nation over time. Now, we are witnessing the terrible-results of this UN-constitutional government activity. How many so-called “minorities” have been hired and promoted, NOT for the content of their character and qualifications, but for their gender and skin color. This racist/sexist insanity has been foisted on the American people by Marxist-globalists to create division and animosity, thereby furthering the breakdown of the nation.
Government politicians, administrative-state-bureaucrats and others have engaged in wholesale treason, sedition and subversive activities against Sovereign, freedom-loving American Citizens. Too many government politicians and bureaucrats put party above the best interests of the nation and the People for whom they are supposed to serve, by using outright lies and twisted, anti-American propaganda to brainwash as many Citizens as possible. These ignorant, self-serving mini-dictators must be held accountable for their criminal hammering of our precious Freedom and Liberty.
We’ve seen a massive, UN-manageable government welfare system created that is wasteful and economically UN-affordable – creating government dependency that destroys the People’s liberty, dignity and self-determination. The People must restore their strong sense of dignity and self-respect in order to fight their acquiescence to an arrogant, self-serving, government tyranny.
Unfortunately, left-wing Marxists never understand the detrimental, adverse effects of their policies until they get slammed right between their eyes by their unworkable, insane policies.
Therefore, government politicians and bureaucrats that do not adhere to Constitutional limits have forfeited their right to govern and must be held accountable for their arrogant, deceitful, cavalier, and egregious departure from limiting principles that are in place to safeguard the People’s Freedom and Liberty and Sovereignty.