The U.S. Healthcare System is Broken and Needs Fixing – Big Time!

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom

A massive, unaccountable Big-government-bureaucracy has been built up that has intervened heavily in the healthcare industry for over a century. Insane, detrimental government activity has served to produce UN-affordable healthcare for increasingly weakened and sick American citizens.

Our ineffective “healthcare” system is one of the most heavily government-regulated industries in the economy. Government agencies are involved in the research and production of drugs, the training and licensing of medical professionals, the building of hospitals, the availability of health insurance, the makeup of insurance plans and the over-complicated payment process.

Medicare and Medicaid have created shortages of healthcare availability because of the incipient increase in demand, all-the-while the government kept the supply of medical services artificially low. This pouring of massive amounts of tax dollars into “healthcare” has significantly increasing demand, resulting in an explosion in the cost of healthcare. Simply put – government activity has created enormous demand for healthcare that has overwhelmed the supply.

With these constantly rising prices, fewer people could afford healthcare and required government assistance. This insane cycle created more demand, that in turn caused prices to rise faster, creating more and more government-insurance dependency. The “healthcare” industry in the United States has become a huge money making scam that’s filled with corruption and greed – with millions of American families now living in great fear of illness and disease.

This government-controlled “healthcare” system has primarily served to move huge funds to healthcare providers, drug companies, hospitals, health-related federal agencies, and insurance providers. This “healthcare” system has turned large numbers of doctors, lawyers, health insurance company executives and pharmaceutical company executives into multi-millionaires. All the while, normal citizens access to quality heath-care has been negatively effected and greatly reduced.

Then along came Barry Hussein Obama’s monstrous (UN)Affordable Care Act, or “Obama—care”, that further strengthened this massive government-healthcare boon-doggle. Sadly, the (UN)Affordable Care Act has made care even less affordable by further raising healthcare prices, while making shortages even worse. Since Obama’s (UN)Affordable Care Act became law, the annual profits of the five largest health insurance companies in the United States have gone up by 230 percent.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, government subsidies and intervention into the healthcare system has greatly deteriorated the quality of care. American citizens are now sicker and less healthy than before government stepped in to engineer this nightmarish, out-of-control, healthcare-complex-boondoggle.

The fouled up tax code and this dysfunctional health-insurance market protect providers and stifle true competition, making it futile for people to switch to a different provider after their claims have been unfairly denied, for any number of bogus “reasons”. Thank government politicians and bureaucrats for this dysfunctional system that’s primarily concerned with keeping you sick and dependent, while continuing to have to pay into this dilapidated hoax, called a “healthcare” system.

In the U.S., we spend on average $14,570 per person per year on “healthcare”, and that figure is about double the amount of other comparable countries. Americans have been forced to pay massive funding for a so-called “healthcare system” that has helped to make them one of the sickest populations on Earth.

In addition, Medicare and Medicaid fraud in the U.S. is a huge and costly problem. Taxpayers are losing more than $100 billion a year to Medicare and Medicaid fraud, according to estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association. Although, some investigators say it’s likely much higher than that.

Look at these disgusting/disturbing facts regarding National Health Expenditures (NHE):

  • NHE grew 7.5% to $4.9 trillion in 2023, or $14,570 per person, and accounted for 17.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • Surveys found that U.S. households have piled up more than $220 Billion in medical debt.
  • The average family premium for employer-sponsored health insurance in the United States has skyrocketed to $25,572 annually.
  • Medicare and Medicaid accounted for $1.9015 Trillion in 2023 or 39% of total NHE.
  • In 2023, the six largest health insurance companies in the United States had combined revenues of almost $1.1 Trillion.

This out-of-control government-healthcare complex is steadily draining America’s wealth away from the other programs that would help make us much healthier and create better lives for American citizens.


The following is a disturbing and eye-opening account by one fed-up/put-upon American citizen who has had to deal with this exceedingly expensive, yet ineffective medical/Medicare complex:

I’ve had osteoarthritis for a number of years. In early 2018 I first notice that something was not quite right with my right hip, with some pain and stiffness that would not completely go away, but got progressively worse. I thought that I had just strained it and that it would get better with time – but it didn’t get any better.

In 2019, I decided to get it checked out and had x-rays done by an orthopedic surgeon who told me, “you’re a great candidate for complete hip replacement surgery” – as if it were my lucky day. The surgeon offered only cortisone shots to help ease the pain and stiffness, which it did for about 4 to 5 months. However, after that, the pain and stiffness came back even worse than before the cortisone shot. As I later learned, this shot only masks the problem and in fact causes further degradation of the joint and surrounding tissue – which is not good. I decided to not take any more cortisone shots because of their toxic/degrading effects.

Not wanting to have an invasive total-hip-replacement surgery, I put up with the pain and stiffness and the debilitating effects of the osteoarthritis for the next couple of years, hoping the misery would go away with increased intake of supplements and ibuprofen. Finally it got to the point in which I could not sleep very well because of the dull, throbbing pain.

In early 2022, I sought another opinion with another orthopedic surgeon, and he confirmed what the last surgeon had said about the need for surgery to correct the problem. I seriously thought to just go ahead and get the surgery done and forget about it. But, I had heard about others who had this invasive surgery and had problems that required additional surgeries to correct. Also, these artificial joints have a limited life-span that require replacement about every 10 to 15 years – not to mention the risk of infection and other potential problems associated with the surgery itself.

I continued to do my own research because of the lack of information within the healthcare industry, and found out about stem-cell treatments that could possibly solve the problem. I found a caring orthopedic doctor who specialized in stem-cell injections that, in theory, would allow the body to heal itself. The doctor told me that I might get relief for up to 10 years. So, I had both hips injected, along with my lower back, which had severe disk degeneration. Although these stem-cell injections were no fun, they did help tremendously in the hip for about a year and have seemed to permanently help my lower back problems. This was a great relief.

For the next two years I went on to take Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) injections that helped with relief that seemed to build on the previous stem cell injections.

The BIG problem with taking these helpful injections is that they are fairly expensive and are NOT covered by my Medicare insurance, because they’re considered “experimental”. In fact, it appears that the Medicare/medical system wants to railroad me into an invasive $60,000+ hip-replacement surgery, rather than pay a comparatively inexpensive $1,200 injection.

So, I continued my research and eventually heard about PEMF technology that elevated my interest because of it’s ability to help facilitate the body’s ability to heal itself, with the right procedures and nutrition.

In my continued research, I found a number of companies that offered this amazing PEMF technology. I eventually decided on one particular company’s (Sentient Light Element) PEMF machine that I though would best fit my needs for rehabilitation and possible regeneration of my damaged hips. Within the first couple of weeks of using the PEMF machine I noticed a big reduction of pain and stiffness in my damaged right hip, and my lower back, which was also affected. I was also able to sleep much better because of the great pain reduction – which is a BIG deal in aiding the healing process. An additional side benefit is that I feel I’ve become stronger and better able to handle the physical stress impacting the bones and joints, and have noticed more strength in the hip which helps in walking up and down hills and uneven ground.

Even though this PEMF technology has greatly helped and kept me from having a total hip replacement surgery, which is costly with some associated risks, the Medicare system, at this point, does not recognize this amazing technology. In fact, Medicare does not cover any of these alternative technologies (stem cell, PRP, Hyaluronic Acid, PEMF) that can keep someone from having a very invasive and expensive surgery. This is a ridiculous policy that needs to be changed to allow people to have access to less costly and effective alternatives to the surgeon’s knife.

Although these relatively cost-effective, alternative technologies are beneficial at a faction of the cost of surgery, they seem to be well hidden secret and are pretty much shut out of the medical/Medicare system. These beneficial technologies are either not covered at all or only a small fraction of the costs are covered.

For instance, I had PRP injections on both hips for $1200. The doctor didn’t want to deal with the Medicare nonsense and rigamarole, so I had to file a claim myself (another frustrating joke of a system) for reimbursement for the bill that I had paid out-of-pocket. Well, after 8 months of very frustrating/maddening back and forth with the provider of my Medicare plan, they finally kicked-loose with $78. This is after I repeatedly told them, over many months, that I had saved them at least $60,000, plus therapy and recovery from total hip replacement surgery. But, I began to realize that it really didn’t matter to them and I was ignored.

Sadly, I’ve been getting the message that the waste, fraud and abuse by this medical/Medicare system must continue, unabated – who am I to question this out-of-control sham of a medical system. I’m seeing that these health insurance companies use delay and deny tactics to weasel out of paying what they owe and should pay for. In addition, this whacked-out system seems to be geared to railroading people into very expensive, intrusive surgeries that may not be necessary, nor the best choice for them.

From my experience with this antiquated medical/Medicare system, it doesn’t work to make people healthy, but rather to keep them sick and dependent on this broken, corrupt big-government, medical, insurance, bureaucratic complex. The doctor-patient relationship has been broken, sacrificed and compromised by this overwhelmingly complex system. It’s almost impossible for the individual person to navigate this monstrosity and to stay healthy. In so many ways, it’s a very sad and frustrating system that is a massive waste of time and money, and should be completely overhauled to make it function to actually make people healthy again.


Folks, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

The Crime of the Millennium is still unfolding and has been pretty well covered up by the Big-government-medical-media complex. The result is that too many people are still in denial or have ZERO understanding of the massive, coordinated evil plot that was perpetrated against them at breakneck speed in 2020.

If things weren’t already bad enough, in 2020 this corrupted “healthcare complex” was complicit with big-government and the propagandist-media to push this Covid19-plan-demic hysteria on unsuspecting people around the world. The unreasonable fear and hysteria from the disinformation and outright lies generated by this criminal complex were enough to push people into taking these Covid19-injections that are not “vaccines” at all, but gene-modifying-mRNA, killer-clot-shots. The many Millions, into the Billions, of people who took these shots have either already died or are now permanently injured. The delayed effects of these injections have resulted in giving people various forms of turbo-cancers, heart ailments, blood clots, strokes, numerous autoimmune disorders, brain-fog, infertility and any number of other maladies that have shortened their lives.

Without any doubt, the unconscionable waste and fraud, and abuse of Sovereign American Citizens by this mismanaged death-care system must end, and must end very soon.

The bottom line is that this government-healthcare (death-care) complex is broken and needs to be completely overhauled. This will be accomplished in part by getting government the hell out of our heath-care!

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