The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is a Global Terrorist Outfit

Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom

Sovereign American Citizens must resist handing over their personal medical control and information to a centralized, globalist-bureaucratic-agency that does not have their best interests in mind – in fact quite the opposite

The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is the health-tyranny-arm of the Unhinged Nations (UN) that falsely claims to “work to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable”. The reality is that the WHO is using fear tactics and the people’s health vulnerability in order to control them.

The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) has proven themselves to be an international terrorist organization that will use fear and intimidation to control the health of freedom-loving citizens to their undeniable detriment. They’ve used lies and dis-information to push their “plan-demic” hysteria on We the People, ushering in their killer-clot-shots/bio-weapons that have killed and permanently injured many millions of innocent men, women and children. The WHO’s criminal activities make the Nazi holocaust in WWII look like a “day at the park” by comparison!

Warning: The WHO in conjunction with the UN is all about subjugation, control and medical tyranny

The Unhinged Nations (UN) has empowered itself over sovereign nations to assert its “global governance” nightmare whenever it deems sufficient threat that requires the reorganization of formerly sovereign nations under the authority of the UN. The UN’s sick/criminal plan is to seize power and control over sovereign nations when their next concocted “global threat” of any kind occurs.

Under the UN’s “Pact for the Future” they spell out:

  • We are at a time of profound global transformation. We are confronted by rising catastrophic and existential risks, many caused by the choices we make. Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.
  • Yet this is also a moment of hope and opportunity. Global transformation is a chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity. Advances in knowledge, science, technology and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.

This is all nice-sounding hog-wash used to cover their nefarious plans for actually creating, “rising catastrophic and existential risks”. In other words, their motto is “never let a ‘good’ disaster go to waste”. The WHO will assist to create lab-grown diseases to make the people sick, already having a waiting “solution” at hand, in the form of an injection that will permanently injure you, if not kill you right off. The WHO is nothing more than a globalist-criminal-mafia that uses their sick/evil “knowledge, science, technology and innovation” to perpetrate their continued Crimes Against Humanity!

The WHO’s Marxist/Communist Collectivism Destroys Individual Rights & Responsibility

The UN and their medical-tyranny-arm, the WHO, are about ‘poly-crisis’, in which they would create multiple crises or one poly-crisis that basically upends the entire social structure and requires a total transformation. The bottom line is that the WHO will use this “global transformation” as a means to push their Marxist/Communist plan for globalist-government tyranny, dependence and misery. Their “chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity” is nothing more than they’re insane scheme to Build Back Communist (BBC), in which all People will have equal shares of poverty, misery and hopelessness.

The WHO never rests when is comes to destroying people’s health and meddling in their lives

The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) has concocted a new assault on our medical freedom with their “Pandemic Treaty 2024”. They hope to tighten down the screws on sovereign American citizens for their next criminal plan-demic by using this monstrous-treaty that calls for “provisions for strengthening surveillance and early warning systems and for building up stockpiles of medical supplies”. In other words, they want greater surveillance and control over the people and a beefed-up delivery system for their next round of bio-weapons that will continue their murder-spree.

The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) in conjunction with the Federal Death Agency (FDA) and the Covid Death Center (CDC) have devolved into criminal bureaucratic agencies that no longer work for the American people. They are captured operations controlled by the Marxist-globalist cabal with nefarious intentions against the American people and work to destroy the people’s health, freedom and liberty.

Our nation’s founding fathers wrote The Declaration of Independence declaring that all People have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Over the past several years, criminal, immoral, destructive forces have imposed their medical and electronic technological tyranny upon the People – trampling upon of our founding principles and essential, individual Sovereignty, Rights and Freedoms. We have tragically experienced Death, Tyranny and the Burden of Socialist/Communist oppression aggressively forced upon the People by these anti-American forces from within and outside this country.

The pathway to self-serving government tyranny is paved with ignorant, deceptive socialist intentions, with the building of a massive, self-serving, UN-accountable, globalist, administrative-state-bureaucracy.

The Unhinged Nations (UN) was supposedly created to establish world peace and security. However, in reality, this outfit seeks world control by using assaults on our personal health with their medical tyranny machinery. Therefore, this world-government-boondoggle needs to be gutted back to some degree of reality, if not totally shut down. They are in no way held accountable to the People for whom they are supposed to serve.

We are well aware that the UN and the WHO are nefarious scams against the people’s health and best interests. They must now pay for their assault on American Citizens health, freedom and liberty, and their Crimes Against Humanity.

Let us not forget that this Unhinged Nations (UN) lash-up and their medical-tyranny-arm, the World Holocaust Organization (WHO) are headquartered right here in the USA in New York City!

Our elected representatives at both the federal and state level must finally wake up and get off their fat-duffs to put a stop to this evil medical tyranny/insanity that has gone on for way too long and is destroying the People’s health and their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.

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