Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
When Dementia-Joe Biden took office in 2021 the southern border was secure. President Donald Trump had stopped the massive illegal immigration into this Sovereign nation that had been commissioned and sanctioned by the corrupt Obama regime.
Now we are seeing an even greater illegal invasion of this country, with an estimated 10+ million illegal invaders ushered in over the first 3 years of Dementia-Joe’s corrupt regime. If allowed to continue, this illegal invasion will result in a dramatic social, political, economic and cultural decline and a severe assault on our liberty and freedom in this country.
This criminal DC regime has allowed organized criminal gangs to cross our border as “migrants”. Foreign agents and terrorists have slipped into the US using mass immigration as a cover for their nefarious activities.
Dementia-Joe’s corrupt regime has allowed massive hordes to invade this country from around the world, including the Middle East, Africa, China and South America. As a result, we can expect terrorist-attacks within our borders at any time. These invading-hordes have been allowed in without any background checks, health screening, or vaccinations. However, Dementia-Joe’s criminal regime has given these illegal-invaders free housing, education, healthcare, cell phones, food subsidy EBT cards and many other goodies that normal citizens can only dream about.
The criminal regime has setup shelters for these invading-hordes that are becoming breeding grounds for the spread of infectious diseases.
These invaders have walked into this country and none have been screened at the border for contagious diseases. Even more Disgusting is the fact that some of these invading-hordes have even been flown in by airplane and scattered throughout the nation. Countless millions have been bused into sanctuary cities by this criminal-network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. The Democrat party is enabling this public health crisis to materialize while the Big-government/Big-pharma complex secretly cheers as the next crisis will unfold. The regime fervently hopes to jab innocent Citizens with their poisonous, bio-weapon/killer-clot-shots in a second round of tyranny.
At the recent National Sheriffs’ Association’s winter conference it was confirmed that two million suspected terrorists have been allowed in and currently reside within the U.S. borders. In addition, a highly disturbing report, cited from the National Sheriff’s Association, indicates that many of those crossing into the U.S. are men of military age, often traveling without family.
Since Dementia-Joe Biden’s regime has taken office the borders have been left wide open, which has facilitated this massive influx. All the while, his ignorant left-wing supporters have applauded this unmitigated disaster that’s still unfolding.
Overwhelmed southern border state governors have even began busing and flying illegal invaders to a number of northern sanctuary-cities, giving these left-wing-fools a well-deserved taste of reality and the terribly destructive situation that they have supported. These leftists had been foolishly extolling the virtues of uncontrolled immigration/invasion into this country and their sanctuary zones. In the regime’s feeble-attempt to shutdown dissent, anyone who has spoken out about this illegal immigration/invasion has been labeled as “racist” and “xenophobic”.
Left-wing controlled cities, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and many others became outraged when they were inundated with millions of these illegal immigrant-invaders, all without proper identification or background checks. Extreme violence has broken out in these sanctuary zones, and sanctuary-city dwellers have become the innocent-victims of this insanity with spiking crime, occupation of their parks and civic centers, and completely overwhelmed social services.
Now, these left-wing-lunatics are pushing a bogus “comprehensive immigration bill” in order to appear to be addressing this critical issue. But in reality, it’s designed to keep the border wide open, while spending many $Billions to facilitate a more rapid invasion and much more socialist-welfare support for those many millions of immigrants/invaders already here and those still to come.
Why would Dementia-Joe Biden’s regime destroy the peace, prosperity and border security that President Trump’s policies had achieved. Instead, they’ve been ensuring mayhem, chaos and misery for both Americans and millions of illegal immigrants/invaders.
Does this Illegal Invasion have any benefits for the normal American Citizen – Hell No!
Why hasn’t this corrupt regime sent US troops to secure our borders from this massive INVASION that will certainly breakdown this nation in ways that are much too painful to imagine.
Unfortunately, these left-wing/liberal proponents of this illegal immigration-invasion will not smarten-up until they get smacked right between the eyes by the consequences of their lunatic policies. As with virtually all of these hare-brained, Marxist-influenced policies that defy reason, logic, common sense and human nature, the end result is more mayhem, chaos and a further break-down of this formally great nation.
Without a doubt, the Biden regime has a nefarious plan to destroy our social, political, economic and cultural structure in this country and to severely assault our precious liberties. Until the leftist’s lunatic-policies for propagating this mayhem and chaos are stopped cold, they will continue their assault on the American people’s Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.
This Invasion is an attack on our security and national Sovereignty, and is nothing less than High Treason.