Fortifying Sovereign American Citizens with Common Sense, Liberty & Freedom
Sovereign American Citizens must resist handing over all of their personal financial control and privacy to a centralized bureaucratic agency.
The perpetrators of out-of-control government have demonstrated, time after time, that they do not govern on behalf of the People, nor in the People’s best interests – but rather, they rule over the People like tyrants and mini-dictators.
The pathway to self-serving government tyranny is paved with ignorant, deceptive socialist intentions, with the building of a massive, UN-accountable, administrative-state-bureaucracy.
The Federal Reserve has a monopoly with it’s dollar fiat currency system and has destroyed the Constitutional monetary system. The central bank has easily created too much money out of thin air, with no accountability. This out-of-control fiat currency system has allowed the federal government to borrow and spend far beyond any reasonable measure and has greatly reduced the People’s standard of living over the past 50+ years. The Fed’s fiat currency has allowed the U.S. government to run with reckless abandon all of it’s unconstitutional wars and socialist-welfare-programs.
This UN-Constitutional CBDC insanity is just more fiat money – only much worse
Now, We the People are seeing the latest assault on our Freedom and Liberty by Marxist-globalists that have planned the take-down of banks and our economy in order to institute their digital-tyranny by ushering in their CBDC, the so-called Central Bank Digital Currency. This monstrous CBDC, which is in truth Communist Bank Digital Control, is backed and fully controlled by the government, just like traditional fiat currency. Nothing has really changed regarding the inflated, over-creation of fiat money with this CBDC, however, this technology gives government the intrusive-ability to scrutinize our every monetary transaction, giving them much more power and control over our lives.
The move toward this CBDC is, truthfully, the government’s covert war on cash. The elimination of cash creates the potential for the government to track and even control all consumer spending. With the elimination of cash it would be possible for the government to track even the smallest transaction – even a simple trip to the store for a loaf of bread could be under the scrutiny of government officials.
With this outrageous Communist Bank Digital Control, the government could easily “turn off” an individual’s ability to make purchases that they deemed “non-essential”. This nightmarish Big Mommy surveillance state regime gives government a degree of control that defies and contradicts our all-important Constitutional rights and freedoms.
CBDC is the government’s plan for Digital Tyranny against Sovereign American Citizens
The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall…make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.”
Currently, all debts and taxes are either paid with Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) which are authorized as legal tender by Congress, or with coins issued by the U.S. Treasury.
The creation of state-issued gold-backed and silver-backed digital currencies would create a much better alternative, and allow individuals and businesses to avoid this CBDC. This would create a necessary currency competition with Federal Reserve notes and undermine the Fed’s monopoly with their watered-down fiat money. It would also provide a sound money-backed competitor if the Federal Reserve implements their CBDC nightmare.
The creation of stable, state-issued gold-backed and silver-backed digital currencies would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve and end the federal government’s monopoly on money. This much-needed sound money system would eliminate the “boom and bust” cycles we’ve been seeing and give the People a stable currency and money supply that they can better rely upon.
Our elected representatives at both the federal and state level must finally wake up and put a stop to this digital tyranny/insanity before it gets off the launch pad and further destroys the People’s Constitutional rights and freedoms.
I agree that this CBDC is digital tyranny and gives government way too much control over our lives!